Tuesday 18 March 2014

Polar bear cub

Do you like taking your kids to the Zoo? Do you need to convince them? Are they excited when you tell them that you are going to the zoo? What do your kids like about the zoo? What do you like about the zoo? Do your kids have a favorite animal to visit? Do they show surprise with any animal they see? Where do they like to spend most time? Tell me your story, here is mine...

"Papi, the polar bear has baby now, can we visit the baby polar bear?", asked the Little Girl.
"Where did you learn that?", asked Papi.
"On the TV News.", answered the Little Girl.
"You watch the new now?", asked the intrigued Papi.
"Yes, they give the news between cartoons on the TV!", answered the Little Girl.
"Ah! you mean the advertisements!"
"No, that is for us to buy things. I said news, they say things that happen now!", explained the Little Girl.
"OK, let's go to the zoo then, and find the baby polar bear!"

At the zoo...
"Hello baby giraffe, did you see the baby polar bear?", asked the Little Girl.
"Yes, we play at animal daycare, he plays with the baby monkey!", answered the baby giraffe.
At the monkeys...
"Hello baby monkey, did you see the baby polar bear?", asked the Little Girl.
"Yes, we play at animal daycare, he plays with the baby elephant!", answered the baby monkey.
At the elephants...
"Hello baby elephant, did you see the baby polar bear?", asked the Little Girl.
"Yes, we play at animal daycare, he plays with the baby goat!", answered the baby elephant.
At the goats...
"Hello baby goat, did you see the baby polar bear?", asked the Little Girl.
"Yes, we play at animal daycare, he plays with the baby lion!", answered the baby goat.
At the lions...
"Hello baby lion, did you see the baby polar bear?", asked the Little Girl.
"Yes, we play at animal daycare, he swims with the baby penguin!", answered the baby lion.
At the penguins...
"Hello baby penguin, did you see the baby polar bear?", asked the Little Girl.
"Yes, he his eating all our fish, can you take him away?", answered the baby penguin.
"Papi, can we take the baby polar bear home with us?", asked the Little Girl
"What? We can't have wild animals at our house!", answered Papi.
"Please Papi, Please!", begged the Little Girl.
"No we can't, why do you want to take the baby polar bear home?", asked Papi.
"Because he his eating all the penguin's fish, and the penguin asked me to take him home!", answered the Little Girl.
"You speak with animals?", asked Papi.
"Yes, but only with the small animals, the adults never answer me!", answered the Little Girl.

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