Friday 21 March 2014

More proofing, more spelling, more format, more layout, more drawings

Received on the email the first proof for my second book.
This one as the advantage of learning from the first one. I reused the templates for editing, so much faster to get this one almost ready.
Nevertheless I used the same template for the other book which from the proofing identified that the editing and layout are not to my liking. So now reapplying the new template. Tweaked a bit the sentences as well.
Now the book is back into review for publishing.
But feels great. this second book will come out just one week after the first. This will tell the readers that I am keen on writing some more books.
You all have great fun, if you want to help me proof read the book, you can get the kindle book. It's already available at amazon. I've priced it at the minimum price, after all my belief is that the book is best experienced on the printed version while reading it to our children. the format of the printed version is to maximize that experience.
You can get the kindle version here.
As with the previous book, all the images on the same side so that the child can follow the story with the drawings. All the text on the other side so that the parent can read it. Big letters, small paragraphs, that can be read fast, so that the little ones don't get bored. The kindle version does not have this layout problem, everything is simply a stream with text and image. the placement of the images is different to allow a more fluid reading and following of the drawings.
For those thinking about buying the book for kindle while it's still under this proof-reading, do not worry, after all you will always be able to refresh the book at no extra cost. And your help is extremely appreciated.
The greatest help you can give to this new author is to write a review of the book if you liked it. It might not seem a big deal, but for new authors it is the best you can do, be it for me or any other author. In this new world of self publishing where the authors can break the barriers of the publishing companies, writing reviews allow for authors that would otherwise be completely unknown to get some visibility.
A great help, and please provide me your feedback. This is a fantastic journey, I am glad I have you helping and motivating me.

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